Search Text and Build Hyperlinks – Excel VBA

Hey Excel users, are you tired of using the find feature in Microsoft Excel in order to search a text but are sick and tired of not getting an automatic link to click on in order to get to that search result?

Well, I am.  I get tired of squinting my eyes to read tiny search results and then clicking one result at a time just to find that particular text.  I want to read text in large size and then have a set of hyperlinks to click on so Excel can take me to that text.  I also want the hit search to display the results corresponding to what I put in the search box to get a better idea of the type of information I am looking for.


So, I made my own find feature in Excel by using VBA in the background to search for text in a column and input in the box what I want.  Then a list of hit results are built up in the form of hyperlinks to get a preview of what the sample results look like before I click on that cell.  Getting a preview of them before I click on that hyperlink gives me a greater precision in the type of information I am looking for.


Here is a video tutorial on how my own find feature works in a straightforward way of finding text.



For the VBA codes that run my “Search and Hyperlink” feature, here they are:



Sub searchandlinkup()
v = 1

candidatelook = InputBox(“Enter the Text You Want To Search”)

rw = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

ab = selection.Column
cr = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, ab).End(xlUp).Row

For dr = 1 To cr
Z = Cells(dr, ab)
L = InStr(1, Z, candidatelook)

If L > 0 Then
With Cells(dr, ab)
.Font.Bold = “True”
End With

n = Cells(dr, ab)

h = ActiveSheet.Name

kk = selection.Row

ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _
anchor:=Cells(v, rw + 5), _
Address:=””, _
SubAddress:=”‘” & h & “‘” & “!” & “C” & kk, _

v = v + 1

End If
Next dr

Cells(1, rw + 5).Select

End Sub



For the VBA codes that run my “Go To” Destination feature after you select a hyperlink, these are the set:


Sub goback()

p = InputBox(“Enter the Column Letter You Clicked the Hyperlink on”)

gb = selection.Column
fd = selection.Row

Cells(fd, gb).Hyperlinks(1).Follow

k = Cells(fd, gb)

h = selection.Row

md = ActiveSheet.Cells(h, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Y = Cells(fd, gb)

b = ActiveSheet.Name

md = 1 + md

fd = fd

ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _
anchor:=Cells(h, md), _
Address:=””, _
SubAddress:=”‘” & b & “‘” & “!” & p & fd, _
TextToDisplay:=”Go Back To ” & k

End Sub



To get video tutorials on my other projects, click on this link:


To get your own custom macros made particularly for you, click on this link:


Thanks for reading guys and come back to my website for more future articles.

Finding Key Data I Want

Hello WordPress Users,

If you use Excel to look at data, how many times you just want key info to be presented automatically instead of skimming through lots of data and tire your eyes out?  I am not sure about you guys but my eyes get tired every time I have to skim through too much data.

In a video, I will show you guys a list of jobs I copied from a bank website and getting the info that I want to be presented automatically.

Here is the link:

Getting The Key Info

If you guys want me to do Excel projects involving vba, just go to my gig at under my name towcal and click through the order process.